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Who has the best internet software?

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  • Who has the best internet software?

    Pinnacle Sports would like to survey Bettorsworld members as to which sportsbooks have the best internet software. We are in the process of choosing whether to design our own software or purchase an existing software.

    We have supported Bettorsworld by advertising, sponsoring several free contests,
    and making special offers available only to Bettorsworld members. We would greatly appreciate any feedback that you have to any of the following questions:

    (1) What internet sportsbook software do you find a pleasure to use and why?;

    (2) What internet sportsbook software do you find unpleasant to use and why?

    (3) What features of an internet sportsbook are the most important?

    When we do get our site up and running, you can expect to see a full service sportsbook offering a very wide variety of original betting options.

    You may resond in this forum or email me with suggestions.

    Thank you very much,

    Ted Roebuck
    Systems and Operations Director
    Pinnacle Sports
    [email protected]

    [This message has been edited by Pinnacle_Marketing (edited 12-02-1999).]

    [This message has been edited by Pinnacle_Marketing (edited 12-02-1999).]

  • #2
    My favorite online software is WSEX's. Betmaker and Oasis also have software that I also enjoyed using. My least favorite sites have been Easybets, Casa Blanca, and SOS.

    The two features that I most appreciate are ease and quickness getting into the site, and that the site refreshes itself and doesn't time out.

    Worldwide, a now defunct sportsbook that ripped people off--including my partner for 37 dimes--had great software made by a company called Atlantic. It is a shame other sportsbooks aren't using that type software.


    • #3
      wsex also get my vote, again for the auto-refresh as it removes the pressure of having to enter a bet or the screen times out. in a league of its own.


      • #4
        The top three are ar Olympic, Carib, and WSEX.

        All user friendly and FAST.


        • #5
          Well, believe it or not, my top list is SOS when it comes to online software. Once you are in, everything is right in front of you. Easy to navigate. You don't have to change screens. Only problem is you have to download. When you are in the office or in a friend's house you have no option but to call in your plays.

          Most unpleasant software I would say is Easybets. Well this was before, I just don't know if they did some upgrade. But during crunch time, it is so difficult to place your bets. Severs are too slow.

          EASY ACCESS (not only when it comes to logging on but placing wager as well) is the most important feature on internet software. I had experienced on some softwares that before you place a simple two team parlay, you had to go to four different places.


          • #6
            I design web sites on the side and have looked at a lot of online books. My opinion is that Carib's is the most intuitive and reliable. Web page font sizes and color is very important for "human factor" appeal. Carib has implemented these aspects in their site very well. Another well-done site is Olympic. It's very easy to navigate and they have used colors well. WSEX is very good, but after awhile I find their site rather bland and unexciting. A good web site is one where a user can't wait to get in and use it. Sites like Easy Bets, SOS, Island Casino, are amateurish and not well done. Also, Java is not neccesary for a good site! Java is slow and crashes browsers. Seven Palms is agonizingly slow due to all the Java they've incorporated. The good ones, Carib, Olympic and WSEX do not use or need Java to add bells and whistles to their well-designed software. My advice: don't use Java. Good luck.


            • #7
              WSEX, Olympic and 5 Dimes are really good and fast. Aces Gold and Big Book are slow.


              • #8
                1) Olympic
                2) Carib
                3) WSEX


                • #9
                  Its already been hammered home but I will add my 2 cents.
                  The Best
                  The Worst's
                  1)sites that time out

                  What makes the Best list are places that make it easy and fast to access the lines and get a bet in.


                  • #10
                    Nobody has mentioned PremiereLeague yet. Olympic and PL get my vote with a strong boo out to I-tops


                    • #11
                      OLYMPIC--easy to use-quick

                      5DIMES--like the look-easy to use
                      little less quick than OLYMPIC

                      WSEX--easy to use ---auto refresh

                      A feature I want to see is that it is compatable with WEBTV.

                      WINTERMUTE---instead of look nice, I should have said--I like being able to put all sports on one page to view.
                      I didn't mean "oh it's pretty"! Sometimes the webtv keys don't properly print what I'm thinking.

                      [This message has been edited by EDDIE C (edited 12-03-1999).]


                      • #12
                        WSEX, Premiere League-they're fast and all lines-totals, money lines, and point spreads-are viewable on one screen


                        • #13
                          Why do people find the Intertops web site bad? They are my only online book, unfortunately, but I really like the system. The only thing that is disappointing is the layout, but only when it comes to printing.

                          I'd like to see an option where for printing purposes a printer-friendly page is sent to my deskjet, exculding all the useless stuff and dishing out the lines and only the lines.

                          Apart from that, I can't comment as I haven't experienced any other online systems...


                          • #14
                            WSEX is best. Fast, no graphics to download, auto-refresh, lots of options, fairly intuitive. Why on earth anyone wants a nice-looking website is beyond me. The only important things are numbers and speed.

                            SOS is okay but you've got to download software which is a big negative. Also they time out after a few minutes. Everyone should be tied directly into the web and you should never have to manually refresh.

                            WWTS, Post Time and Premiere League appear to use the same software. It's OK but my big complaint with them is that you have to specify which kind of bet you want to make on every new bet. If you enter 3 or 4 hockey parlays why do you have to specify that you want to 1) bet on hockey and 2) make a parlay wager after EVERY wager?


                            • #15
                              Before I got the boot from Intertops last year, their software seemed to me like it had been designed by someone who was either into psychedelics or who had eaten too much Cherry Garcia ice cream. It had a surrealistic, circus-like vibe that would almost put me into an altered state of consciousness. Maybe they designed it that way to purposely and subliminally entice people to gamble more. If I'm getting too psychologically heavy here and need to chill out a bit, someone please let me know. I may be ready for another sex-therapy sesion with Dr. Ruth or a colonic irrigation to remove impacted fecal matter that may be toxifying my body and adversely affecting my brain chemistry.

