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Kyl Bill Passes!!

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  • Kyl Bill Passes!!

    Interactive Gaming Council Expresses Disappointment over Senate Passage of Internet Gambling Prohibition Act;
    Will Redouble Opposition in the House

    WASHINGTON, DC-The Interactive Gaming Council today expressed its disappointment over the Senate's passage of seriously flawed legislation that bans some forms of Internet gaming while intentionally expanding the reach of others. The "Internet Gambling Prohibition Act" (S. 692), introduced by Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), is a revised version of legislation that was passed by the Senate last year but died when the House of Representatives did not act on a companion bill.

    The legislation has come under attack by groups ranging from privacy advocates and free-market conservatives to Internet Service Providers, and groups concerned about problem gambling. The Department of Justice has also expressed extreme concerns over the approach taken by the Kyl bill

    "It's disturbing that a bill that could severely damage the growth of the Internet was passed without debate, without a recorded vote and, in fact, without any opportunity to have dissenting views considered," stated Sue Schneider, chair of the Interactive Gaming Council.

    "Those who have consistently opposed this legislation have been entirely shut out of the process," noted Schneider. "We weren't even given a chance to submit written testimony on this bill. Senator Kyl and the powerful special interests that have a stake in its passage have had to resort to heavy-handed tactics and parliamentary tricks to get this bill out of the Senate. Even the name of the bill is deceptive."

    While titled the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, the legislation specifically exempts horse racing, dog racing, state lotteries, Indian tribes, hotel-casinos, and a host of other gambling enterprises. Criticism has been levied against the bill for actually increasing the number of homes that will have access to in-home wagering.

    "The hypocrisy is extraordinary," stated Schneider. "Casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City are celebrating the passage of this bill."

    "It is heartening to know that some members of Congress and the Administration understand that, rather than being legislation in the public interest, these bills are a political payoff to special interests. Their passage of an ineffective 'prohibition' bill represents a clear and present danger to children, to problem gamblers, and to the growth of the Internet as a medium of commerce and communication. We look forward to working with members of the House of Representatives to stop this bill in its tracks and work on real solutions to the challenges presented by online gaming," concluded Schneider.


  • #2
    Jon Kyl
    Needs to come out of the closet and admit to himself and others he is a flaming **********. When he finds that inner peace maybe he will actually go and fight something that actually matters.
    He need to have a drink, bet the cardinals, and have sex. (with a woman this time)


    • #3
      how is it that calling someone a ********** is somehow an insult? it seems that while the rest of the world is in the 21st century, this board is still in the closet.

      steve i have a substantial (i mean really large) figure at your sportsbook, but i feel that you need to keep your derogatory comments to your self, especially when you are representing your sportsbook.

      It pains me to see people continuing to insult people based on their sexual preference.

      I don't know you that well steve, but i seriously doubt you want to ally yourself the fellow who brutally murdered the young college student simply b/c he has an alternate chemical composition in his brain, or the homophobe who killed a man for making a pass on him on a tv talkshow, i don't think you want to couple yourself with these characters, steve but then again i don't know you and i don't want to be prejudicial.


      • #4


        • #5
          Settle down Rusty
          IT WAS A JOKE


          • #6
            one more comment and that'll be it for me,

            Yes it was just a comment, but its comment like those that make neanderthals okay to be gay bashers. Comments like that pervade all of society, and if left unchecked evolve into all out discrimination.

            After awhile it just pisses me off, and i make it a habit to not let that kind of false bravado slide. its just who i am what i'm about.

            and if you guys over there at skybook thought my previous 3 weeks figures were vicious, you are really in for it this week!

            take care,

            wishing you peace, love and soul.


            • #7
              Are you the real Jon Kyl?

              Oh if you missed it that was another joke.
              Get it . Ha ha. A joke
              That is pretty impressive though that you can read into all that and come out with all of those philosophies. Just from a joke. Wow.
              As far as your betting account goes I still wish you the best of luck and hope you keep knocking em dead.
              Oh I didnt mean dead literally.
              JOKES JOKES JOKES


              • #8

