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Internet wagering....

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  • Internet wagering....

    This is a question for those who bet on the internet. Also if someone who runs a site knows the answer to this question please answer if you can.

    I would like to know when you place a wager on the internet does the computor take anytime at all to register the bet. Meaning if someone was able to monitor your plays as they are going in. Does it give them time to reject the bet if they don't want it. To send a message that the line has changed. Does anyone think this happens?

    I would not trust a system that delays more than 10 seconds. This would seem to me that if the time was more than 10 seconds then there is probably someone checking the plays first.

    I would rather have a clerk give me a line and then give them the bet. They can't change the line on you if a clerk gives you a line and you give them a bet right away. I would think the internet should be instant.

  • #2
    Almost all online books give instant confirmation of your bet. Sometimes there are 2 confirmation screens and the line will change after the first screen. Then there are a couple books that have software that lets the operator review and reject your bet. There can be up to a 1 minute delay before your bet is confirmed or rejected at those shops.


    • #3
      I can tell you that there are definetly some books that have the ability to watch the plays come in, and then decide whether or not to take the play or not. It wouldn't be done to just anyone, but it does happen.

      It also should be noted that the number quoted on the page with the lines can and frequently does change between the time you click "wager" and the time you "confirm". (This is generally an immediate notification though)


      • #4
        Also, as I think Jeff has mentioned before, some online books have the ability to deal a whole set of different lines to different players depending on their betting they have sort of changed the line on you before you even start. Squares who only play the Yankees, Braves, Packers, Spurs, Red Wings etc. get one set of ungodly lines and sharper players get something else.


        • #5
          Strangely enough, when I have had lines change on me between confirmation screens, the changes have more often than not been in my favor. Usually I'm getting in on the other half of a nice scalp or middle. Its also usually been a side that loses. Since I generally load up when I get a line change like that, I wonder if its a side they figure will lose and they give me a better line knowing I will load up. Sometimes the line will even reverse itself dramatically after a few minutes have passed.


          • #6
            i am looking to open an internet account and would like some suggestions from u veterens...if i see a line i like , place the wager and the line comes back different do i have the ability to cancel the wager? thanks for ur input and good luck!!!


            • #7

              yes, if the line changes you will have the option of still wagering or passing.

              Unless you're following steam, it's unlikely you'll encounter this too often......


              • #8
                In the short time I've been wagering on the Internet(about 3 weeks) the lines I've seen change on me were halftime lines, which makes sense as multiple players have about a 15 minute "window" to get a bet down.

                Interesting point about different screens for different players once a betting pattern is established. Another reason to have multiple outs.. I had a local book once who thought he was slick and "adjusted" lines on the NBA. He moved the line 3 1/2 points on me once, so I went the other way and had a friend place a bet for me with a different book and went for a middle.

                The middle lost, the bet with my book won and he never tried that move again. It was well worth the juice to get legit lines again.

                The moral of the story is..never show a betting pattern and they can't tinker with the lines, offshore or otherwise.


                • #9
                  "I would rather have a clerk give me a line and then give them the bet. They can't change the line on you if a clerk gives you a line and you give them a bet right away."

                  Polar, my man, just cause a clerk gives you a line doesn't mean you will be able to get it. After you call in your bet, it could still change... I guess it's the same with internet wagering as well...


                  • #10
                    I am still waiting to talk to you. Please call me. If you would like leave me a number and Ill call you.
                    Thanks Steve


                    • #11

                      The few places I play at would never change a line after I gave them a play. They might change it before I give them a bet, but not after. I will not play at a place that does not honor this.


                      Will you have on line betting. Without futher problems, lets just say I would rather play online with you guys. If you have this I would be interested.


                      • #12
                        Polar, sure has been a long time since Guacuco, anyways to try to help answer the question in the case of the live clerk/computer system that you and I were showed when we worked with Mr. Foo later I used this system with the internet you see the lines on the "rundown screen" then you attempt to make your wager after sending your wager the computer then accepts the bet or refuses the bet because of a line change or possibly the game has started or what have you. When I was using the system I couldn't monitor the bets as they came in to see who they were coming from and as you well know it doesn't take long for those "sneakers" to come right on in even for a nickel. I hope that I have been helpful, and I also hope that you and your family are doing well,also tell your boss I said hello and wish the both of you all the best. Take care C


                        • #13
                          most reputible sports books have a play as you go rule. meaning if the clerk reads you a line you say stop, give me the game quoted at the price mentioned.if the clerk continues reading the lines and says go back such and such a game is now whatever then the original line quoted is now gone. most of the larger books and the books with the talented players operate this way.if the book you're dealing with changes the line after the play is made and tells you that you have to play at the new line. find another book. hello chester have a nice day.Guacaco how about Playa Agua.


                          • #14
                            Eagle at the time I wrote the reply to Polar I was only talking about the internet program, anyways I hope you and T also have a good day. Good to see you posting. Hope things are well for you both.


                            • #15
                              What about the Mediteranio, the american, the hawaiian.................

                              The two a days, the two at a times, the way too manys............

                              Compared to what I'm looking at now.......

                              What were we thinking of ??????????

