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Canbet soccer

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  • Canbet soccer

    also noticed they have added half goal handicaps on other 'major' leagues, if we can call the French one that so they are now ahead of Megasports there, even if odds aren't as good - better than Sportingbet though I think.

  • #2
    The good thing about Sportingbet's is that they are secure, licensed, and traded on the stock exchange. Unfortunately, good odds on their half-goal lines isn't one of their advantages....

    AV, has Canbet improved on other aspects of their soccer section? I mean they made a post here with a list of all types of bets they will be introducing shortly. Have they started offering them all yet? If not, which ones?


    • #3
      did not see any soccer other than the half goal lines cons

      oh yeah, DAS has got a first, half goal lines on the NSL


      • #4
        well, Canbet is secure and licensed, although not traded on the stock exchange like DAS is


        • #5
          Well, the fact that Canbet is licensed in ACT is safety in itself.

          I just checked out the DAS web site and quite surprised to see "multi-currencies available soon." I thought they would have had them by now...

          [This message has been edited by Cons (edited 11-04-1999).]


          • #6
            got multicurrencies now

            odds were more 108-109% then out to 110% or so, but 1.90 lines on Euro now

