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  • Premiereleague

    We would like to first apologize for the interuptions in our service over the past few days to all of our clients. Unfortunately after a disaster of the proportions of hurricane Jose, getting lives and businesses back together becomes an enormous job. In our efforts to get things back to normal we have not been able to answer the posts on this site a few threads down. Most of our clients have been absolutely understanding and even supportive. There has also been a few who have understood our plight and posted their concerns on this site. Thank You all.

    At this juncture we would like to appologize to all of the sportsbooks on Antigua for our blatant lack of consideration for their businesses by planning such a terrible disaster called Hurricane Jose just so we wouldn't have to offer Five Cent Fridays this week end.

    Best Wishes

    Premiere League

  • #2
    Just when I was convinced Premiere League was a "class act" they come out with this wiseass post ...

    OK so 1 or 2 nuts cried about no 5 cent Friday - but talk about over reacting Premiere League...


    • #3
      Dear Mls

      We made a special effort to thank all of our players who were considerate and really felt for us. Our island has been out of power for the past few days, a number of our clerks have no homes to go back to, my house has been a swimming pool since. Yet still, we leave whatever we have left behind, get into the office and struggle with rain soaked equipment and power generating problems just so we can make sure that everyone gets their plays in for the weekend. Can you imagine how we feel when instead of a bit of compassion and support for our "livelhood and sacrifices we make" we receive a crack that we were trying to avoid offering 105/100.

      I am sorry if we have lost some shine in your eyes MLS, but put our hat on for a bit and maybe you will see a different picture.

      Thank You



      • #4
        mls - Just checked your profile and I was surprised. Being a "doctor" (true or not I dont really care) should have a higher level of underdsatanding. What happened in Antigua is a major disaster. Please be more considerate.


        • #5
          Underdog7 - you missed the entire point.

          The point is not that a hurricane is a disaster.

          The point was that I was offended my Premiere League "apologizing" to me (and everyone else) "for their planning on a hurricane and a tragedy to avoid 5 cent Friday." I never suggested such a thing.


          • #6
            No doubt hundreds of posters/players understood and had compassion for the people involved in the disaster. A few post their thoughts, the majority don't.

            A very few post thoughts to the contrary...perhaps in a joking manner, perhaps not.

            Those few ellicit a response. Premiere is still a class book (which I recommend) but I agree with MLH regarding the overreaction (even if he is not a doctor).

            I'm sure everyone hopes that people affected get back to their normal lives as soon as possible.


            • #7
              I am calling Guy, Allison or the big boss Eddie of Premiere League. It seems that there is quite a misunderstanding here. In fairness to everyone, do you guys want to straighten this out "once and for all".Thank you in advance.


              • #8
                My post about 5% juice was not a knock against Premiere League for being down last Friday. It was a general statement, meaning I'd like 5 cents all the time (who wouldn't). In hindsight, I guess the post was a little insensitve.

                So PremierLeague, I apologize if my remark offended you.


                • #9
                  Geez, I got through to Primiere Friday and made 5 cent plays. Do I understand that others' calls didn't make it? Anyway, I congratulate Primiere and Postime for getting their operations up and working so quickly. I hope the Island's recovery is expedient and note that my NFL plays yesterday made a significant contribution towards the local economy.


                  • #10
                    Hi Guys

                    Sorry I didn't get back to this post earlier. Just to clarify a few things, in the midst of our hurricane experience and recovery turmoil we just wanted to have a bit of fun and lighten things up a bit especially with the other shops on island. Sure enough tempers are short on island and everyone's on edge here, but it seems that some of you guys got hit by a hurricane too. This and our original post was not intended to offend anyone!

                    Deac Doug, mls, Fatboy we are not offended at all! Thanks Udog for trying to straighten this out. In light of things let's all just have a good laugh.

                    Take care



                    • #11

                      How about letting us know a day or so before the next hurricane so we can take down our satellite dishes?

                      We need to laugh - thanks for breaking up the tension.

                      Post Time Sports

